How many times do you hear people say it? "Maaaaaan I used to do that, until everyone else started it." Get over your uppity self, you didn't start it and you're sure as hell not going to be the only one to do it. If there's anything worse than wannabes then it is the Havtobe's. New restaurant in town? They have to be first. New clothing store? They have to be the first to shop there. New movie showing? They have to be the first to see it. Then as soon as they are done with it, it's a thing of the past. It's all in the past, it becomes so yesterday.
As soon as a have to be is through with supposedly starting a (non-trend) trend they move on to the next thing to satisfy them. With claims that what they allegedly started is no longer cool because other people are doing it. It's so chic nowadays to be you're own individualistic and ideal self; which you need to remaster every time someone else becomes remotely like you. We've taken expression of self past it's logical state and turned it into a contest. Who can be the most different for the longest? Forget finding your bliss and being someone you love to be. Be different, be different all the time. Don't be who you were yesterday, cause seriously...that's so yesterday.
Well now I dare to be different, by being me, and I am not going to change. How ironic the world has become, in order to be just have to be the same. It's a sad social commentary on the downward spiral society is facing.
Another life lesson brought to you by the good folks here at the FPOE
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