Also peep a mini tour of my room. It's cool, just reshowing what I previously posted, and explaining my ticket.
Friday, February 27, 2009
I'm not even joking guys, I got a letter in the mail. On behalf of her majesty the Queen I am summoned to appear before a Justice. I thought it's cause she heard about the FPOE's royal fam, but sadly I got a ticket. I was going 67...pretty much 70 in a 50 zone. FUCK! What a useless ticket. 20 over the limit, what a gangster. It's not my fault....I was trying to make it back to class on time.
Also peep a mini tour of my room. It's cool, just reshowing what I previously posted, and explaining my ticket.
Also peep a mini tour of my room. It's cool, just reshowing what I previously posted, and explaining my ticket.
Leave Your Mark!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Looks like everyone now a days has their own shit to talk. Hey Stece BB called, and he said "Stop, Ya can't touch this." This vid goes hard! Hop of Apple's dick you mac-losers. But I also wish people didn't hype BB so much either....can't have your cake and eat it too I suppose.
I Have A Girlfriend....
I know you heard my reputation
You don't think I would ever do right by you
You think that if you and I was in a relationship
I would never be true
You think that anything I say is straight game
And to me your just another new name
But what I'm tryna tell you for every man
There's a woman thal make him change
And I believe you the one thatll make me
You don't think I would ever do right by you
You think that if you and I was in a relationship
I would never be true
You think that anything I say is straight game
And to me your just another new name
But what I'm tryna tell you for every man
There's a woman thal make him change
And I believe you the one thatll make me
.....And she's way better than yours.
5 facts:
Fact 1: She read this blog everyday and was my only reader for the longest time.
Fact 2: She read this blog and got me the most perfect Christmas Present. Shoes I forgot I even wanted. I re-read the post 5 minutes ago, and it makes me laugh cause I suggest it as a gift from anyone to myself....I can't believe I did that.
Fact 3: "You Complete Me" hahaha
Fact 4: My Past is irrelevant to her.
Fact 5: She know's this one's coming....YOU FACT UP!
You deserve a shout out every know and then. Actually more often than that, but you know me I don't want to publicize this too much. But this is me saying thank you and I appreciate you and letting everyone out there know. I'll get the "Hough" up soon. Tonight....I promise. I'll get it up in a zap.
DISCLAIMER: Don't expect too many posts like these. I don't do this kind of ish, you all know that. But I just thought to myself, why not, at least this one time.
5 facts:
Fact 1: She read this blog everyday and was my only reader for the longest time.
Fact 2: She read this blog and got me the most perfect Christmas Present. Shoes I forgot I even wanted. I re-read the post 5 minutes ago, and it makes me laugh cause I suggest it as a gift from anyone to myself....I can't believe I did that.
Fact 3: "You Complete Me" hahaha
Fact 4: My Past is irrelevant to her.
Fact 5: She know's this one's coming....YOU FACT UP!
You deserve a shout out every know and then. Actually more often than that, but you know me I don't want to publicize this too much. But this is me saying thank you and I appreciate you and letting everyone out there know. I'll get the "Hough" up soon. Tonight....I promise. I'll get it up in a zap.
DISCLAIMER: Don't expect too many posts like these. I don't do this kind of ish, you all know that. But I just thought to myself, why not, at least this one time.
Moustache Necklace (But It's A Ring!?)

I think this thing is funny, reminds me of the monopoly man haha. I can't grow a real good moustache so this is the shiiiiiiiiiiiit. haha
Dior Homme

More Jeremy Scott
White Trash
New G Shock - Check!

An all white watch is like an all white frame, very in the moment. But what I think a watch has over a pair of sunglasses is that it is a wardrobe staple.
You can wear a white watch but when it get's to be too flashy you can always cover it with a sleeve of some sort. The G Shock watch is proving to be a timeless classic, and this Alife and Colette offering is unlike a pocket watch (off the chain. knawmeen?)
get it on the Colette web store
I've Bit My Tongue For Longue Enough

It's Been A Long Time
I shouldn't have left you without some dope posts to step to. It's that time again school and everthing are just getting to be a hassle and updating this blog requires real time to be set aside. Something I really cannot do. But here I am with some downtime and a slew of updates. It's kind of funny, I go to class and when the lecture is boring and needless (which it usually is) I write updates and save them on the laptop.
I think it's time to get back into the swing of updating, which means sending this off to twitter and making updates be known once again. So here we go again.
Oh and I also hate updating without putting up a picture first.
I think it's time to get back into the swing of updating, which means sending this off to twitter and making updates be known once again. So here we go again.
Oh and I also hate updating without putting up a picture first.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Random Facts
I have a list of 100 random facts. I found it kickin' around the net, I'm sure there are a billion other one's but this compiled list is very interesting. Lemme drop some knowledge:
- 3.6 cans of Spam are consumed each second.
- There's a systematic lull in conversation every 7 minutes.
- The buzz from an electric razor in America plays in the key of B flat; Key of G in England.
- There are 1,575 steps from the ground floor to the top of the Empire State building.
- There is a town in Newfoundland, Canada called Dildo.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
One of the best covers I have heard in a while. Best on since Matt Weddle's cover of Hey Ya.
Saturday Night!
- Playing Dodgeball tonigh so this is a quick update
- I downloaded a shitload of music. I reccomend the BIGFOOT'S DICK Mixtape. It's CERTIFIED FRESH!
- I am so sick of losing. My team needs to learn to win, I've picked up my game but for some reason my team got worse. I don't get it.
- I hope I don't miss you on msn tonight. I hope I am home in time. This lack of contact is really starting to get to me.
- Prestige Worldwide is kicking my ass, I can't believe I am still sore from skating.
- Gonna update again some more later when I get home. Keep it tuned.
Friday, February 20, 2009

It's only been 24 hours. I am going out of my mind. Today is my first Friday without you in a very very long time. How am I spending it? I might go see boo tonight. Or Marly, Furday and
Caleb might come over, and we're gonna play risk.
I don't usually put up these kinds of posts and when I do they are usually a lot more cryptic than this. It's a little absurd how much I miss you. I don't know how else to explain it, and quite frankly I am a little embarrassed at my little boy persona right now.
I catch a lot of flack for these touchy feely kind of posts. But I guess that's Karma because I used to beak everyone else. But I don't care anymore, I'm comfortable.
Just come home already, I don't know what to do at night anymore.
Step Your Game Up!

Haute Couture,
Louis Vuitton,
Out My Mind,
Steven Sprouse
ATTN: McNally Alumni
What's up T'Wolves?
As most of you already know Skitsko is being reprimanded by the school board for an "inappropriate" relationship with a student. He claimed to be providing a "Father" figure for said student, but who is he kidding? Who's going to be fooled by that? I've asked plenty of girls who their Daddy is, I have not once claimed to be providing a Father figure in that girls life. Well if you haven't read the article it's right here. And if you're curious who the girl was I got those full details for you as well. I called up a close personal friend from the 07 graduates and she told me her name was Ashley Young. I facebooked her haha!
Investigatory journalism at it's finest. I would post a pic of her, but that is taking it way too far. I mean I already feel just a little bit more trashy, and have degraded my blog with this post.
As most of you already know Skitsko is being reprimanded by the school board for an "inappropriate" relationship with a student. He claimed to be providing a "Father" figure for said student, but who is he kidding? Who's going to be fooled by that? I've asked plenty of girls who their Daddy is, I have not once claimed to be providing a Father figure in that girls life. Well if you haven't read the article it's right here. And if you're curious who the girl was I got those full details for you as well. I called up a close personal friend from the 07 graduates and she told me her name was Ashley Young. I facebooked her haha!
Investigatory journalism at it's finest. I would post a pic of her, but that is taking it way too far. I mean I already feel just a little bit more trashy, and have degraded my blog with this post.
Whoppers or Maltesers?
It's a legitimate question. Which are better, Whoppers or Maltesers? I set out to find the answer. I went to the pharmacy here on campus and I got a pack of both. Now it would be nice to go into detail what distinctive qualities each chocolate has from each other but the truth of the matter is, there is no real difference between the 2. Anyone who says they can tell the difference is a FUCKING liar. I have both pack in my hand right now and I am carefully and very precisely mentally breaking down the tastes of the two. And they are near identical. I could probably tell the difference but that's because I have been doing this for the past hour or so. I have never eaten chocolate so slow before. The two only have really different after tastes. You know that taste you get when the chocolate and the crunchy stuff mix in your mouth? That's the only real distiction you have between the two. Maltesers have a more bold chocolate taste and the whoppers are a more subtle mix of the two. So to figure out "whose cuisine reigns supreme" I am gonna get all Iron Chef and grade the 2 chocolates in three categories: Taste, Crunchiness, and Overall (How well the chocolate works with itself). The taste test is based on the chocolate, and will be conducted by placing the candy in my mouth and just letting it melt. Crunchiness is a little more scientific, whichever produces the louder crunch while requiring the least amount of physical exertion. And bonus points goes out to whichever one sticks to my teeth the least. The overall part is just straight up the after taste. All scores are out of 10. So here we go:
First up
Taste I would give it 7/10. To me the chocolate taste a little on the cheap side. Kinda reminds me of like powdered chocolate as opposed to milk chocolate. Still tasty, just a little plain Jane.
Crunchiness 9/10 definately the crunchier of the 2. This is one of the few times where I prefer crunchier over less crunchy. As most people know I prefery things to be chewy.
Overall 8/10, the mixing of the malt and the chocolate is really delicious, but still tastes like cheap chocolate to me. But the blend of the 2 just really works, it's great. Still just a little Plain Jane.
Next Up:

Taste wise the chocolate is great, it's really creamy and it tastes of superiority. It's milky and creamy and tastes of real chocolate. I give it a an 8/10.
Crunchiness well it's just a a 6/10. Falls waaaaaay short of expectations, but it should be expected considering it claims to be a "light" snack.
Overall I give it a 9/10. The better tasting chocolate just wins it over for me. the Malt part and the chocolate part don't work as well together as Whoppers do, but the chocolate just tastes so much better.
so in Conclusion we have the Whoppers at 24/30, and Maltesers 23/30. I didn't expect it to be so close really. I thought Maltesers would edge out the Whoppers, but I guess things never really go as expected. Whoppers are better because it crunches better, that's the only reason why. But really I prefer the taste of Maltesers.
Case Closed. Problem Solved. I should have been studying.
First up

Taste I would give it 7/10. To me the chocolate taste a little on the cheap side. Kinda reminds me of like powdered chocolate as opposed to milk chocolate. Still tasty, just a little plain Jane.
Crunchiness 9/10 definately the crunchier of the 2. This is one of the few times where I prefer crunchier over less crunchy. As most people know I prefery things to be chewy.
Overall 8/10, the mixing of the malt and the chocolate is really delicious, but still tastes like cheap chocolate to me. But the blend of the 2 just really works, it's great. Still just a little Plain Jane.
Next Up:

Taste wise the chocolate is great, it's really creamy and it tastes of superiority. It's milky and creamy and tastes of real chocolate. I give it a an 8/10.
Crunchiness well it's just a a 6/10. Falls waaaaaay short of expectations, but it should be expected considering it claims to be a "light" snack.
Overall I give it a 9/10. The better tasting chocolate just wins it over for me. the Malt part and the chocolate part don't work as well together as Whoppers do, but the chocolate just tastes so much better.
so in Conclusion we have the Whoppers at 24/30, and Maltesers 23/30. I didn't expect it to be so close really. I thought Maltesers would edge out the Whoppers, but I guess things never really go as expected. Whoppers are better because it crunches better, that's the only reason why. But really I prefer the taste of Maltesers.
Case Closed. Problem Solved. I should have been studying.
Friday, February 13, 2009
MackDaddy LookBook

You want to hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I’m an easy target. Yeah, you’re right: I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold, hard cynic like you. But I don’t like to hurt people’s feelings. You think what you want about me, I’m not changing. I…I like me.
John Candy,
Planes Trains and Automobiles,

So many fresh lamps comin out of everywhere, It'd be nice to get my hands on any one of them. But this one especially.
Ooh wee this lamp is certifiably undeniably fresh.
Don't Wake Me I Plan On Sleeping In

This morning is no different, I am no sitting in front of my computer at 9 30 in the morning unable to finish getting ready, looks like I am going to miss econ 349, sorry Mikey haaha.
It was tough getting up this morning, went to bed rather late, becauseI just wasn't sleepy. At least I am going to my other classes today and reading break starts so there is no need to really panic about not making it to this class. I have 9 days to catch up on the reading and seeing how I will be at the U all of reading break it's not going to be hard to catch up.
I wanted to just sleep in this morning, but obviously that isn't the case. Well I guess it is considereing my tardiness. But I meant really sleep in, like get up at noon and just call it a morning. I didn't want to get out of bed, I want to stay in my room today. This is why sleeping in is so great, you wake up and you're still sleeping. That's why everything seems a lot better when you get up from beed 3 hours later than usual. You can' help but feel happy about it, sleeping in is righteous. But seriously I gotta get going.
You Know What's Bullshit?

Waking up in the morning to non fiction real life pathetic fallacies.
Most times when something is on my mind I like to leave ominous posts on my blog. Leave people scratching their heads. This will be no different, I'll call these things, You Know What's Bullshit?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Practice What You Preach
Lyin' King,
Mark Baladad,
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
And I mean that I'm congested and sore and running a bit of a fever. I can't decide whether or not to go to school, I'm sore and I keep coughing. I'm going to sit down in lecture that will just annoy me because I am so uncomfortable. I am not sure if I am going to school. I NEED to go to class, but I am not sure if I will be able to go. Lecture starts in an hour, travel time is 15-20 minutes, I need gas, need to pay for parking, need gas. It's snowing out too. Everything is telling me to stay home, I got an assload of things I could do, and I can get the notes, and there is no require reading for these classes. I can't decide. 10 30 is point of no return. If I haven't left by then I'm not going at all.
Monday, February 9, 2009
The Illest Clock

This clock is hands down certified fresh. Shiiiiiit does this come in pocket form?
Handy Wipes

Nitraid has come out with the most convenient cleaner that I have seen to date. Handy wipes specially designed to freshen up your kicks, haven't tested these out yet, but I am for sure gonna get my hands on em to try em out. God only knows most of my regular rotation needs a good rubbin.
You can order here though the page is gonna need some translating.
Ps: Where's J-PHKR!?
The Grammy's
In case you missed last nights performance here's the repeat. It's epic, especially with MIA being pregnant hahaha. Watch it quick cause this is gonna be taked down very soon. I just know it!
Sometimes In THe Morning I don't Get Up
My phone is usually my alarm clock. I have an alarm set and I have K Poo Poo wake me up in the mornings. This morning was an interesting one because my phone was set to vibrate, and it takes a lot of vibration to wake me up. So she called me 3 times in 3 minutes, 3 calls in a row would have been more effective. What woke me up were 14 texts she sent in a row and they are as follows:
From: K PooPoo
Feb 9, 7:32 am
From: K PooPoo
Its 732 right now.
Feb 9, 7:33 am
From: K PooPoo
I've called you 3 times.
Feb 9, 7:33 am
From: K Poopoo
And no answer.
Feb 9, 7:33 am
From: K PooPoo
I hope you dont sleep in.
Feb 9, 7:34 am
From: K PooPoo
Cuz i have class in half an hour.
Feb 9, 7:34 am
From: K PooPoo
And i wont be able to call you anymore
Feb 9, 7:34 am
From: K PooPoo
I really have to pee.
Feb 9, 7:34 am
From: K PooPoo
I've been at school since 630.
Feb 9, 7:35 am
From: K PooPoo
I'm going to the bathroom now.
Feb 9, 7:37 am
From: KPooPoo
I'll call you one last time.
Feb 9, 7:39 am
From: KPooPoo
Before my class starts.
Feb 9, 7:39 am
From: KPooPoo
I hope you're not just ignoring me.
Feb 9, 7:40 am
From: KPooPoo
Cuz then I'll be real sad.
Feb 9, 7:40 am
HAha it's great to wake up to mornings like this. It's like having a story read to me when I get up. So you know today is gonna be a good day.
From: K PooPoo
Feb 9, 7:32 am
From: K PooPoo
Its 732 right now.
Feb 9, 7:33 am
From: K PooPoo
I've called you 3 times.
Feb 9, 7:33 am
From: K Poopoo
And no answer.
Feb 9, 7:33 am
From: K PooPoo
I hope you dont sleep in.
Feb 9, 7:34 am
From: K PooPoo
Cuz i have class in half an hour.
Feb 9, 7:34 am
From: K PooPoo
And i wont be able to call you anymore
Feb 9, 7:34 am
From: K PooPoo
I really have to pee.
Feb 9, 7:34 am
From: K PooPoo
I've been at school since 630.
Feb 9, 7:35 am
From: K PooPoo
I'm going to the bathroom now.
Feb 9, 7:37 am
From: KPooPoo
I'll call you one last time.
Feb 9, 7:39 am
From: KPooPoo
Before my class starts.
Feb 9, 7:39 am
From: KPooPoo
I hope you're not just ignoring me.
Feb 9, 7:40 am
From: KPooPoo
Cuz then I'll be real sad.
Feb 9, 7:40 am
HAha it's great to wake up to mornings like this. It's like having a story read to me when I get up. So you know today is gonna be a good day.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
This Asshole Right Here

But what happens when you find yourself turning into this dochebag? I know I talk rather harshly of a fictional character and really is it so wrong to be that nice? So he puts her first and above all, and expects nothing in return is that his fault? Is that something about himself he should change? Who am I to shit on what he does, but I am who I am and i just shit on everything.
You're too nice. What does that even mean.
The Gallery On 17th

so if you don't know about the Gallery or have yet to shop there I suggest you get there ASAP. Imagine if you will If you took an Art Gallery, and a clothing store mixed into one. But it really doesn't do it justice, because in some cases the clothes are the canvas; you can find some pretty nutty stuff if you take a gander inside. I've been in a couple times copped couple items now and then. I went to "Box This". And well now I am here telling you come find this place out. I don't want to hype it up and say it's the greatest store ever, LIKE ACTUALLY! But it's a decent place and worth a look, and second look. The Gallery is Aaron Ellard's brain child, a dude I don't know personally yet, but when I told him what I wanted to do was pretty cool about the whole thing. But who would seriously turn down free publicity? From the little I talked to him seems like a nice guy.
The store itself carries one of my favorite labels, Upper Playground. And I know most enthusiasts of brand name clothing especially in the LS culture like to keep things on the DL. Well let me first refer you all to this post. I believe things are meant to be shared. Clothing, ideas, food, stores, ideologies. For all your motherfuckers fearing that Upper Playground will saturate and get - for lack of a better word - played; blow me slowly. This is my one stop destination for UP and I don't know of any other place in Calgary that carries it, and with this kind of volume. And I also got word that by the end of this month they'll be getting a shipment from In4ma+ion; another label I'm feelin'. So no I'm not riding Gallery dick and I was not paid or asked to do this, I spread love, that's the Brooklyn way.
So if you find yourself on 17th by Red Mile Ice Cream pop in and grab some gear. And be sure to tell them I sent you.
Back In 15
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Breakfast At Tiffany's

I was surprised to see that this shirt came out for men actually, I was under the impression it was just a women's design. So you can rock this whether you're a guy or a girl.
Order the shirt here
Throwback: I Wonder If She Can Tell I'm Hard Right Now
Please excuse the silly intro. This is a throwback post to let all the guys out there know that poppin a boner is nothing to be ashamed of. I mean there's a song all about it, so next time you're dancing with a gly girl and you pop a woody, don't back off.
Just don't try to sex her on the floor.
Just don't try to sex her on the floor.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Vans X in4ma+ion half cabs
The featured shoe in the store was this one to the left. Looks like a regular skate shoe that's made of denim right? its pretty sick. But no -- it's design is a callabo of Vans X In4mation that is like no other i've ever heard of. I pushed these shoes on my bro so hard because, as big of a shoe head he wants to be, he ruins the sneaks he rocks. But with this shoe it's all good... it gets better with wear and tear. Literally.
The shoe was designed for skate boarders so that when you skate in them, the denim wears and tears to reveal a subtle but sick hound's tooth pattern just under the denim fabric. We were told these shoes were limited to sales from the store so for a hefty price of $110 USD and a flight ticket to Hawaii these shoes only get better with wear. Pretty sick sneaker -- in fact, it's kinda like the Nudie of Sneakers.
P.s. Francis, you would love hawaii shopping so much -- save up buddy, everything is fucking expensive here.
My Friend Krizia
I wanna make you smile whenever youre sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you
Ill get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you
Ill miss you
Ill kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
Ill need you
Ill feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed if youve had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you
She's been posting a lot of vids of her singing lately, and this is just my little way of showing my support. And I am sure there are others I liked this.
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you
Ill get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you
Ill miss you
Ill kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
Ill need you
Ill feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed if youve had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you
She's been posting a lot of vids of her singing lately, and this is just my little way of showing my support. And I am sure there are others I liked this.
Meaning And It's Construct
Things mean things, things mean other things to other people. Most things have the same meaning to most people. Some things bear more significance to others. The meaning we associate with things and actions and words are based on what we believe them to be. How we interpret them to be. Meaning is a constructed, nothing has meaning until we give it. And meaning is cited. We can't give meaning to anything unless it is something we are familiar with. Like a scaly creature that swims and has gills, well that's a fish. How do we know it's a fish? We give the fish that specific meaning, but we only give it that meaning because we've seen a fish, and we've heard others call it a fish.
We construct our own meanings, and sometimes things become something more than just a thing. More than an object with a meaning, it becomes a symbol. It takes on a new form of meaning, something with deeper significance to the one constructing it's meaning. A symbol is an object which holds great significance to a person. Christians belive the crucifix is a symbol for sacrifice, a heart is a symbol of love, a mountain signifies a great obstacle. Things mean something, but sometimes it means more to other. Like a baby's first pair of shoes, the first hockey puck a hokey player scores, or a necklace that holds a promise and like a house is a symbol for home. My house is my home, but it's just a house to you. Meaning is something we give, and it's at its greatest when it's done sub-consciously. So here is an object, but it's also a symbol. It means never give up:
We construct our own meanings, and sometimes things become something more than just a thing. More than an object with a meaning, it becomes a symbol. It takes on a new form of meaning, something with deeper significance to the one constructing it's meaning. A symbol is an object which holds great significance to a person. Christians belive the crucifix is a symbol for sacrifice, a heart is a symbol of love, a mountain signifies a great obstacle. Things mean something, but sometimes it means more to other. Like a baby's first pair of shoes, the first hockey puck a hokey player scores, or a necklace that holds a promise and like a house is a symbol for home. My house is my home, but it's just a house to you. Meaning is something we give, and it's at its greatest when it's done sub-consciously. So here is an object, but it's also a symbol. It means never give up:
It's A Bloody Mess
Friday I'm In Love

Now if only they had a Tuesday version of this thing.
Designed By Loy Valera
Check the song out here
Loy Valera,
the cure
Cookiecake Monster!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Step Back Your Dancin Kinda Close - The NRB
We've all gotten it. It's a suffering that has afflicted us all at one point or another. The NRB. Sometimes it's alright cause no one is around to be affected. But somtimes it happens when you would only hope it wouldn't. I'm talk about the No Reason Boner (NRB). It always seems to come at the most inopportune time. Walking down the street, trying on jeans, rollerskating, at the carnival, at dinner. It's an NRB it just comes! haha, no not like that. But you have no control over this, but as you get older it get's less and less frequent. But the NRB always comes at those most inopportune time before a hug, during a wrestling match, at the swimming pool. Whatever the case, it is NOT cool. Remember the part in Superbad when says he likes to tuck his dick into the elastic garter of his underwear cause it feels cool and totally hides your boner? And you know how every guy erupts into laughter about it? That's cause we all already do it, now we don't have to be ashamed about it.
The NRB is not to be confused with the Dancing boner, or the erotic thoughts boner, which will afflict men until the end of time. You know how it is, you're dancing kinda close with a girl then next thing you know you're creating a buffer zone like Stalin to help keep the Germans out of Russia. You can't help it, it happens, it's natural. A girl should feel offended if this isn't the case when a guy is dancing with her. Ya ya it's emberassing but hey, it even happens to the best of us:
It's hard to garter tuck on stage.
The NRB is not to be confused with the Dancing boner, or the erotic thoughts boner, which will afflict men until the end of time. You know how it is, you're dancing kinda close with a girl then next thing you know you're creating a buffer zone like Stalin to help keep the Germans out of Russia. You can't help it, it happens, it's natural. A girl should feel offended if this isn't the case when a guy is dancing with her. Ya ya it's emberassing but hey, it even happens to the best of us:
It's hard to garter tuck on stage.
Don't Fuck With Mr. Chi City's Cable
There are some references to other vids of his I'll put those up later.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Just What I Needed - Break Time is Over
It's kind of hard to explain what went on this past weekend regarding this blog. But I think it's time I took it back to how it used to be. I think I just got to the point where I felt overworked because I spent a good chunk of time finding something ill to put up. When that was never what this blog was about, it wasn't about finding all these ill things and being the first to put it up. It was first and foremost an outlet for me, and second I wanted to use this is a vessel to spread a message. This blog was meant to be a breath of "fresh" air. So the moral of the story is don't get so stressed trying to produce something dope everytime, the material stuff is dandy; but it shouldn't be what this blog is about.
I just gotta bring it back to how it all started.
I just gotta bring it back to how it all started.
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