Saturday, November 29, 2008

Never Ever EVER....

Read old chat logs saved on your computer.
It opens up a can of worms in your stomach.
And sometimes that's hard to stomach

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

A night Out....

Sometimes things just don't go as expected, and everyone goes nuts.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

His Voice Melts My Heart

Korean's singing Mariah Carey, you cannot go wrong there.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Blast From The Past (Summer)

I said it back in the summer, I was feelin' plaid and that shit was gonna make a comeback. And it would be twice as Al Borland hosting Family Feud. Ch ch check it ouuuuuut:

Orisue's Fall/Winter offering, and if you look closely at whose modeling the clothes you'll notice that they are none other than Y-O and Thurz, breakout rap duo U-N-I you may recall their underground hit K.R.E.A.M. Look for them to be making more noise in 09.

Y-O in a teal and red long sleeve. This works for me cause it's easy on the eyes and the already subtle vibrancy of the shirt is played down by the jacket. It's a great shirt to pair with and earth tone.

Thurz and Y-O, Thurz is fresh with his jacket on, the shirt brings all the attention inside. And I'm really feeling the cut on Y-O's jacket. Orisue is the bomb shit

Something totally fresh. Plaid is so a la mode right now so why not do something different with it? A hooded button up. Not exactly groundbreaking, we have seen it done in the past, but never executed so wonderfully. At least in this picture it looks great.

Again, that coat is off the chain. This fall stay away from the black and Navy, yes those look very classic, but chances are you've already got a coat in either black or Navy. Do something different like a grey, or if you're bold enough....brown. For some reason brown and winter never worked with me, but hey if you can do it; then why the fuck not?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Soundtrack Your Day

I love waking up in the morning to the tune of Lupe Fiasco ringing in my ear. I currently have Daydreamin' set as my morning alarm and it goes off telling me that it is time to start my day.

Starting your day off right is crucial to having a good day. Kind of tautological isn't it? If you want to have a good day have a good morning. HAHA.

I recently have discovered that listening to some music in the morning just brightens me right up. If ever I take public transit the commute seems to be less disagreeable when I have something on bump. Even if it's a sad song.

As long as I walk along with some tunes in my ears I feel like a million bucks. So I dare you to try it, I dare you to make a soundtrack of how you want your day to go. There's just something so intoxicating about music in your ears that can really get you high on life. Give it a shot, but seriously I already expect most of you guys already do this, and know what I am talking about.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

In Case you Haven't Heard

I'm a little late on this one I know but in case you haven't heard Lupe Fiasco is in fact retiring. The last album as you all know is called L-U-P E.N.D.

But what was recently announced that E.N.D stands for Everywhere, Nowhere, Down There. And will be a 3 disc album.

Now that's how you go out.