Thursday, July 16, 2009


I'm F-L-Y, and for those who can't spell I'm a pretty swell guy. My Girlfriend loves her bf color accenting!

Never Do I lose All I Do is Win!

Through thick and thin, from beginning to the end
Never do I lose, all I do is win

Sometimes, late at night you get ideas. And when you do it's best not to sleep on it (get it?). Anyways, we all have talents, and we all have our passions. Growing up I loved reading comic books, I even went as far as making my own 5 panel strip. It was terrible, I can't draw or shade worth shit. However it never deterred or got in the way of my love for reading comic books, to this day I'm still fascinated by it. The thing I love most about comic books, is how a story has a main canon, and a bunch of tie-ins. I love the expansive Marvel universe with alternate realities, and what not.

That's one of the main reasons I love Kevin Smith so much, his movies for the most part take place in the Viewaskewniverse. I could go into detail about that, but real KS fans know what I am talking about. The movies are stand alone stories which belong to a larger picture. Let me paint it for you: Chasing Amy and Clerks are two different KS movies. Both stand alone as movies which follows the dramatic know intro, rising action, climaz...blahzay blahzay blah. But Chasin Amy references Clerks, and it kinda makes an even bigger story. Follow me? 2 seperate entities which become one. A past even from Clerks helps to create a larger story for all the characters in Chasing Amy and the Viewaskewniverse . Do the research yourself.

Now this is where my idea comes into play. Imagine a universe like the Marvel Universe where things all tie in together like the Viewaskewniverse, but my medium would be through fiction. I know what you're thinking...dude that's just a series of novels. And my answer is no, because what I plan to work on is an anthology of stand alone short stories which follow no particular sequence, but all tie in together (for the most part) in some way? Feel me?

You don't gotta think out of the box...just out of someone else's

The Hardest Part is Getting Started

It took a while, but I have finally landed on my feet. Things are finally starting to look a little sunnier in theFPOE camp. The main thing though, is even when you're down; never let em' see you sweat. Which means one thing and one thing only, it is time to get back down to business. Summer is half over and that means the party in its entirety is finito. Time to get back to the dirty, grimy, grind. Money goes where the mouth is, complacency is the enemy so let apathy's reign be over. I don't have lots of time left this summer, and apparently it's less time than SAIT this time around...which means the cacophonie c'est fini. Keep it locked to see what's been going on. There's lots going on in my mind right now, with a lot of ideas bubbling. I'm sure a few of you would like to see my efforts put forth in a different direction, but no one is going to make anything happen for me, but myself. Knawmeen? The task is daunting and obstacles look insurmountable, but the journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. Although the first step is always the hardest to take. However don't sweat it fam, I'll make it happen I promise.

I just feel everything coming together, and now it's time to get some of these ideas and creative projects ready to come to fruition. Though I won't get into too much detail, just keep it locked. I have plenty to share, and plenty to show you.

So Sayonara, try tomorrow the FPOE has go it locked.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My Mom > Your Mom

My Mom > Your Mom

She's quick too.

Futurama x Kid Robot

I haven't even completed the Simpsons series yet...and now Futurama is out. Man this is just another series to feed my addiction. My wallet is going to be considerably light. Especially if Group Seven picks this up.

Canada Day 09!

Please excuse my stupid laugh. Jealous?

What You've Missed #3: I Celebrated My Bday

Another Bday BBQ at my place this year. With the most delightful of cakes, and a final rebuttle on why mom is so much better than yours. Video and pics of that up soon. A lot has happened during my little break from the blogging world. I got so much to bring you up to speed on....

oh and I got the greatest gift for my bday.

I don't Fuck With Purses Part. II

Some New Nike SB Backs, My favorite is still the Buzz Lightyear, but this one is alright too. Available on the Kix Files online store. The Eugene bags are fire, andI know I said I don't wanna just keep putting up products on the blog, but the bags are too nice to pass up. The details are too nice to ignore, bags hot; just not as fire as the Buzz Lightyear.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


no comment. I can't believe how many actually fit in his mouth.

Monday, July 13, 2009

What You've Missed #2: Miko Turned 18...again!

Miko turned 18 on February 14th 2009. However we celbrated he Debutante's ball on Saturday May 16 2009. Which was Sadly KPP's actual bday. But being the super person she is, forgoed any personal celebration to spend time with my family and come celebrate this rite of passage. Lots of fun, lots we did. We drank, we laughed, the floor was lava; good times was had by all. We did a number on the rooms; no door or phonebook was spared. It was a great night, too bad you guys missed it.

Ps: I looked good. I got a big (uh huh huh) ego! I just like to make silly faces

I've Been Struggling

The thing with having a blog is that need to maintain it, and that need to bring it to the next level. For me it got to a point where I wanted it to succeed and have all this mainstream appeal that I started doing a little bit too much with it. I am not easily inspired, but I am easily motivated. I've tried many different ways to run this blog, and it keeps reverting back to the kind of blogging I'm so sick of doing. The kind of blogs 99.9% of everyone out there. We scour the internet and find things to put up on ours. I mean don't get me wrong I am not kocking on this form of blogging whatsoever, in my opinion those bloggers are necessary bloggers. They proliferate information, and in this day and age they are the pulse and life beathers of popular culture. That's cool and all, but I don't want to be solely that kind of blogger. Some of the best advice I have ever heard given was that take things into your own account, you make your own opportunities, and pick something that you don't see that's going on. Gotta remember, it's not where you take things from, it's where you take things to. You don't gotta think outta the box, just out of someone else's.

And Ya Better Wear Your Shades

The Spotlights here could burn holes through the stage....

Ray-Ban summer offering.

Source: Hypebeast

What You've Missed #1

The Nights Players:

My very special Gfriend celebrated her 21st. So I made a very special package packed with Pocky, Hello Panda, Hello Kitty, and Crooks and Castles. HAHA And I took her to a special night out to her favorite sushi place!

PS: If you haven't been to Sukiyaki House yet, I suggest you check it out. On 200 block of 9th avenue. Ask for Nick Wong.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Can I Talk My Shit Again?

Hiatus is over, and it feels good to be back online. Took another sabbatical, but this time it was a for real break. I didn't even read any of the other blogs that I like to frequent. There are things you have all missed and things to be updated on, and my oh my is there fly stuff on the net again. Keep it locked to find out just what's been up..... till then.....

Just air em' out like ceilin' fans.