Sunday, October 5, 2008

Beware of Forever


That's a statement in itself. Ever, it was the best movie EVER! Meaning there was none better, it's top tier, cream of the crop. It may seem harmless on the surface but with the word ever comes an underlying sense of eternity. Now if we add an N we get never. Which is just another way of saying eternity. I'll NEVER talk to you again! I'll NEVER eat chocolate again! I'll NEVER do this/that! You get the point. Ever is pretty powerful in itself, and Never is right up there. But if you add an F and an O and an R. You get one of the most quizzical words in the English dictionary, FOREVER!

Now I know what your thinking what is so bewildering about the word forever? Well for starters what can really last forever? What really does endure all of time. I heard that on a long enough time line the survival for everything drops down to zero. Which is a conundrum within itself because this time line has to go one forever. People don't live forever, it was God's intention for eternal life but Eve fucked it up for the rest of us. Which just goes to show the weakness' we all have. Women may be easily convinced but men are unknowingly easily tempted. I know I'm a sucker for a pretty girl with an apple, especially if she's naked!

I to an extent can be quite hesitant to think about forever. Because forever is trilly and truly quite the conundrum. You can't possibly find out if something lasts forever becuase forever never comes. Forever NEVER EVER comes. Maybe the beauty in forever is that it is fleeting. Why look forward to something that never comes?

I would never say forever, because I just didn't believe there was anything everlasting. Nothing could possibly beat time; nothing could be that strong. I didn't like to think of forever because once you get caught up in it you get distracted. Forever detracts from the now. You think about the future long enough you forget to appreciate what you have in the present. If you live in the future you don't appreciate the gift of the present. About a week ago I would have told you that forever doesn't exist, but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe something is out there that could prove me wrong, I'm not entirely convinced, but I'm more open to it, and hoping to have been wrong about it.

Just remember.

Today, is the Tomorrow you worried about Yesterday.

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