Sunday, February 1, 2009

Just What I Needed - Break Time is Over

It's kind of hard to explain what went on this past weekend regarding this blog. But I think it's time I took it back to how it used to be. I think I just got to the point where I felt overworked because I spent a good chunk of time finding something ill to put up. When that was never what this blog was about, it wasn't about finding all these ill things and being the first to put it up. It was first and foremost an outlet for me, and second I wanted to use this is a vessel to spread a message. This blog was meant to be a breath of "fresh" air. So the moral of the story is don't get so stressed trying to produce something dope everytime, the material stuff is dandy; but it shouldn't be what this blog is about.

I just gotta bring it back to how it all started.

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