Thursday, July 16, 2009

Never Do I lose All I Do is Win!

Through thick and thin, from beginning to the end
Never do I lose, all I do is win

Sometimes, late at night you get ideas. And when you do it's best not to sleep on it (get it?). Anyways, we all have talents, and we all have our passions. Growing up I loved reading comic books, I even went as far as making my own 5 panel strip. It was terrible, I can't draw or shade worth shit. However it never deterred or got in the way of my love for reading comic books, to this day I'm still fascinated by it. The thing I love most about comic books, is how a story has a main canon, and a bunch of tie-ins. I love the expansive Marvel universe with alternate realities, and what not.

That's one of the main reasons I love Kevin Smith so much, his movies for the most part take place in the Viewaskewniverse. I could go into detail about that, but real KS fans know what I am talking about. The movies are stand alone stories which belong to a larger picture. Let me paint it for you: Chasing Amy and Clerks are two different KS movies. Both stand alone as movies which follows the dramatic know intro, rising action, climaz...blahzay blahzay blah. But Chasin Amy references Clerks, and it kinda makes an even bigger story. Follow me? 2 seperate entities which become one. A past even from Clerks helps to create a larger story for all the characters in Chasing Amy and the Viewaskewniverse . Do the research yourself.

Now this is where my idea comes into play. Imagine a universe like the Marvel Universe where things all tie in together like the Viewaskewniverse, but my medium would be through fiction. I know what you're thinking...dude that's just a series of novels. And my answer is no, because what I plan to work on is an anthology of stand alone short stories which follow no particular sequence, but all tie in together (for the most part) in some way? Feel me?

You don't gotta think out of the box...just out of someone else's


Anonymous said...


FPOE said...

Ya, Tarantino is like that too. Just his is not as prevailant as Kevin Smith. Tarantino's cahracters are sometimes siblings and what not. Actually that is only the case of the Vega one else really. Tarantino just has recurring things like Red Apple Cigarettes...or Big Kahuna Burgers.

There is no Tarantinoverse.